

Using Anishnawbe cultural teachings as a foundation, Walking the Path is designed to provide youth of all backgrounds with insight into Aboriginal culture, and for Aboriginal youth in particular, to instil pride in who they are and where they come from.

Walking the Path is intended to build essential skills in youth to drive social change. The program builds on the belief that youth who have the self-respect and self-confidence necessary to function independently are better prepared to cope with negative influences or peer pressure.  These youth are more likely to respect others, as well as the rules and laws of their communities.

Walking the Path strategies are linked to the Ontario curriculum for Grades 1 through 12.  Lessons are delivered to students in schools in ten 1 – 1.5 hour sessions over a ten week period.

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Customize Your Experience

Workshops, courses and retreats can be custom-designed to meet your group’s specific needs. Contact us for more information.